Müller&Mill Quality Instruments Europe GmbH

                                  Müller & Mill Quality Instruments Europe GmbH

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Müller&Mill Quality Instruments Europe GmbH


Installation & Kalibration

All Ascott test chambers are manufactured under highest quality standards in our factory in Tamworth, UK,. Before the direct shipment to your final destination, they will be extensively tested and calibrated. In case of demand the chambers will be installed throughout our authorized service staff and a comprehensive introduction will be provided to you.

Maintenance & Service

Even the highest quality test instruments requires time by time some maintenance and in worst case also some services. Our trained team provides you a reliable, fast and reasonable support and ensures that your chamber will be always in best conditions.


© Müller&Mill Quality Instruments Europe GmbH
Rosental 51-53 | D-41334 Nettetal | Tel: +49 2153-9581560 | Fax: +49 2153-9581562 | E-mail: info@mmq-europe.de