The Raman spectroscopy is part of the molecular determination. Predicted already 1923 by G.A. Smekal and scientifically proven
by C.V. Raman in 1928, the Raman spectroscopy developped quickly to an important method in the molecular characterization.
The Raman spectroscopy based on the phenomen, that monochromatic light (mainly laser light) is scattering when it hits molecules.
This so-called „Rayleigh“-scattering differs from the origin wavelength and depends on the the elastic natural oscillation of the molecule.
In combination with an additional possible
„Stokes“ and „Anti-Stokes“ scattering coming from the inelastic oscillation of the molecules.
The detected lights deliver a characteristic spectrum and a fingerprint of the molecules.
Raman spectrum can be achieved from transparent, non-fluorescent liquids, solids and sometimes even gases. Compared with other analytical methods a big advantage of this method is, that the analysis can be done within a few seconds and without any sample preparations. This can be done even through a closed, transparent bottle, plastic bag or blister package. Due to this reason Raman spectroscopy can be performed even by not high-skilled persons.
Thanks to the compact construction of Raman spectrometer it is possible to use it in various versions, starting as a very compact and flexible handheld instruments up to a casual, high-sophisticated desktop analyzer. As a special application, the Raman devices can be also used as an add-on for the optics of a conventional microscope and turns by that this device into a Raman microscope. By that it will be possible to scan even small amounts of samples and to trace single grains of a powder mixture.